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Alternate Best Supporting Actor 2005: Ed Harris in A History of Violence

Ed Harris did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Carl Fogarty in A History of Violence.Ed Harris portrays the Philadelphia gangster who comes looking for diner owner Tom Stall who recently killed two men trying to rob his diner..


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 2003: Kevin Bacon in Mystic River

Kevin Bacon did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Detective Sean Devine in Mystic River.It is probably not surprising that Bacon received no attention for this performance, as firstly Bacon is an actor the academy just seems not to notice even when they notice the films he is in. More importantly though Bacon despite portraying one the main characters in the film....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 2003: Sean Astin in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Sean Astin did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Samwise "Sam" Gamgee in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.The Return of the King is the third film of the Lord of the Rings telling the story among many of when the hobbit Frodo (Elijah Wood) finally gets into Mordor and onto Mount Doom to destroy the Ring. Sean Astin portrays Frodo's fellow Hobbit and...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 2003: Peter Sarsgaard in Shattered Glass

Peter Sarsgaard did not receive an Oscar nomination, despite being nominated for and winning several critical awards, for portraying Charles Lane in Shattered Glass.Shattered Glass is an effective film about a journalist Stephen Glass (Hayden Christensen) who seems to have made up most of his stories.Peter Sarsgaard portrays at first just another one of the writers at the...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 2003

And the Nominees Were Not:Sean Astin in The Return of the KingPaul Bettany in Master and CommanderKevin Bacon in Mystic RiverAlbert Finney in Big FishPeter Sarsgaard in Shattered Glass...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1993: Results

6. Sean Penn in Carlito's Way- Penn gives a suitable enough performance that does not fall into the problems of his later work, but still it is not anything that remarkable. 5. Sam Neill in The Piano- Neill does his best to not fall into his cliches of his sort of character creating a believable portrayal of a man who simply does not understand the woman who he wants as his...

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1993: Christopher Lloyd in Twenty Bucks

Christopher Lloyd did not receive an Oscar nomination, although he did win an Independent Spirit Award, for portraying Jimmy in Twenty Bucks.Twenty Bucks is not too much of a film about how a twenty dollar bill goes from one person to another telling different stories. One story though is terrific though, you might be able to guess who it involves. I was going to review Sean...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1993: Sam Neill in The Piano

Sam Neill did not receive an Oscar nomination, although he did receive an AFI nomination, but since Reb Brown received one of those one can perhaps question their validity, for portraying Alistair Stewart in The Piano.The Piano is a powerful film about a mute woman Ada (Holly Hunter) and her daughter who go to New Zealand with her prized piano. She is sent to be married to...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1993: Ben Kingsley in Schindler's List

Ben Kingsley did not receive an Oscar nomination , although he did receive a Bafta nomination for portraying Itzhak Stern in Schindler's List.Ben Kingsley despite being nominated two years before along with Harvey Keitel in his wholly uninspired performance in Bugsy was not nominated along with Ralph Fiennes for this film. This is perhaps a little strange as the academy loved...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1993: Val Kilmer in Tombstone

Val Kilmer did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying John Henry "Doc" Holliday in Tombstone.Tombstone is an entertaining film depicting the violent feud between gunfighter Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell)’s group of men, against a group of criminals known as the Cowboys. The role of Doc Holliday certainly is one that requires an actor to really sink his teeth into the part....

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1993: Richard Jordan in Gettysburg

Richard Jordan did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Brigadier General Lewis A. "Lo" Armistead in Gettysburg. Gettysburg is an excellent film that depicts the pivotal three day battle of Gettysburg that turned the tide of the American Civil War.  Gettysburg as a film depicts both the Union and Confederate sides of the war. The Union side is shown...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1993

And the Nominees Were Not:Richard Jordan in Gettysburg Sam Neill in The Piano Ben Kingsley in Schindler's ListVal Kilmer in TombstoneSean Penn in Carlito's Way...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1954: Results

5. Clifton Webb in Three Coins in a Fountain- Webb is a bit wasted in his film, but he does well to create a warmer take on his most frequent role as a snobbish intellectual. 4. Raymond Burr in Rear Window- Burr certainly gets help from his director, but in very key moments his performance as well amplifies power of his character within the film. 3. Peter Lorre in 20,000 Leagues...

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1954: Clifton Webb in Three Coins in a Fountain

Clifton Webb did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying John Frederick Shadwell in Three Coins in a Fountain.Three Coins in a Fountain is a very breezy film about three women trying to find love in Rome. I can't say it is particularly compelling especially since two of three relationships in the film are quite dull. Clifton Webb here once again portrays a upper crust...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1954: Peter Lorre in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Peter Lorre did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Conseil in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.Peter Lorre despite his long career as an actor was never nominated for an Oscar. Although to be sure he probably was not in consideration for this performance it is still worth looking at. When one refers to playing against type one would usually says a villainous performance...

Monday, November 12, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1954: Raymond Burr in Rear Window

Raymond Burr did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Lars Thorwald in Rear Window.This is not a usual performance by any means as Lars Thorwald is at first just one of the many people being watched by James Stewart's L.B. "Jeff" Jefferies as he tries to pass the time as his broken legs slowly heals. At the beginning not one of the windows really stands out especially...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1954: Fred MacMurray and Van Johnson in The Caine Mutiny

Fred MacMurray did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Lieutenant Tom Keefer the communications officer in The Caine Mutiny. Fred MacMurray did not find himself nominated for this role despite Tom Tully being nominated for his wholly unimpressive performance. MacMurray like he did later in the Apartment manages to show his ability to portray a slimy character with...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 1954

And the Nominees Were Not:Peter Lorre in 20,000 Leagues Under the SeaRaymond Burr in Rear WindowClifton Webb in Three Coins in The FountainVan Johnson in The Caine MutinyFred MacMurray in The Caine Mutiny...

Alternate Supporting Actor 1947: Ranking

 The simple truth about this year is that there are not a great deal of performances that really stick out that need to be nominated. The lead performances just stand out with far more strength than the supporting ones. Even in a film like Odd Man Out, which has a solid supporting cast none of the supporting players hold attention nearly as well as James Mason lead performance....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Alternate Best Supporting Actor 2011: Results

5. John Hawkes in Martha Marcy May Marlene- Hawkes combines effortlessly a charming and threatening personality in his portrayal of a cult leader. 4. Viggo Mortensen in A Dangerous Method- Mortensen gives a strong performance as Sigmund Freud succeeding well in creating the charismatic and persuasive personality of the man. 3. Bryan Cranston in Drive- Cranston even with his...

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