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Alternate Best Supporting Actor 2005: Ed Harris in A History of Violence

Ed Harris did not receive an Oscar nomination for portraying Carl Fogarty in A History of Violence.Ed Harris portrays the Philadelphia gangster who comes looking for diner owner Tom Stall who recently killed two men trying to rob his diner..


Monday, October 31, 2011

Best Supporting Actor 1973: Jason Miller in The Exorcist

Jason Miller received his only Oscar nomination for portraying Father Damien Karras in The Exorcist.Jason Miller although in the supporting category here could really have been placed in lead considering he most certainly is the male lead of the film, I do not mind his supporting placement all that much though, since there are good amount of scenes that do not have him in...

Trick or Tweets

For those of you who don’t follow me yet on Twitter, I got on a tweet jag this morning. Here are my latest Halloween tweets. When I worked at MTM everyone who wasn't a girl dressed as Mary Tyler Moore for Halloween.2 worlds collide on ONCE UPON A TIME as Storybrooke citizens dress as fairy tale characters for Halloween. "Hey, this costume really fits."Kids! Don't go to Frank McCourt's...

Happy Halloween

This has always been one of my favorite holidays, especially when the kids were little. Taking them trick-or-treating and seeing them so excited and happy was one of the true joys of parenthood. And then eating the candy they collected was fun too. Of course there’s always that one eccentric house. We had a dentist who gave out toothbrushes. Thank goodness he wasn’t a proctologist.And...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Best Supporting Actor 1973: Jack Gilford in Save the Tiger

Jack Gilford received his only Oscar nomination for portraying Phil Greene in Save the Tiger.The simple fact about Save the Tiger is that it is an acting showcase for Jack Lemmon as the lead of Harry Stoner no one else. Lemmon's performance is the entire film, and because of that I am a little surprised that Gilford managed to get noticed by the academy as well. Gilford plays...

Best Supporting Actor 1973

And the Nominees Were:Jason Miller in The ExorcistRandy Quaid in The Last Detail John Houseman in The Paper ChaseVincent Gardenia in Bang the Drum Slowly Jack Gilford in Save the Ti...

Your scariest movies

Thanks to everyone for chiming in with your scariest movie of all-time.A number of you made a good point -- there are movies that scared us as kids and movies that caused permanent psychic damage as adults. The motherlode is when the same movie can do both. Reader Zirbert also suggested that it’s not so much the blood and gore but “creepiness” that really causes our skin to crawl....

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Best Supporting Actor 1981: Results

5. James Coco in Only When I Laugh- James Coco gives an good enough comedic performance, but his moments of sadness, as well as happiness are particularly strong. 4. Howard Rollins in Ragtime- Rollins gives a good performance as a man who goes to great lengths to keep his dignity my only problem was that I though he could have given an amazing performance if he had pushed...

Best Supporting Actor 1981: John Gielgud in Arthur

John Gielgud won his Oscar from his second nomination for portraying Hobson in Arthur.John Gielgud I imagine helped secure his victory by also being in the eventual best picture nominated Chariots of Fire this same year. Where portrays the master of Trinity College. In that role I found Gielgud to be quite hilarious actually in finding the humor in just how proper and prejudice...

CHEERS Bar Wars V: The Final Judgment

Okay, hopefully this works.  For Halloween weekend I'm trying to show the Bar Wars episode of CHEERS that David Isaacs and I wrote that took place over Halloween.  It's Bar Wars V: The Final Judgment.   So assuming this works, click on this link and it should take you to a site where you can watch.   If it doesn't, you can always just scroll down to my World Series post. Of all the Bar Wars...

Best Supporting Actor 1981: Ian Holm in Chariots of Fire

Ian Holm received his only Oscar nomination so far for portraying Sam Mussabini in Chariots of Fire. Chariots of Fire depicts what drives two Olympic runners during the 1924 Olympic games. Ian Holm portrays an athletic coach who is not exactly praised highly simply because of the time the amateur approach to running was the strongly suggested approach. Holm chooses to fully...

My thoughts on the World Series

It’s too bad the World Series has to come at the end of the season. I bet more people are jacked up about baseball right this moment than at any time of the year. Oh well. If they can show a Batman trailer that essentially says “coming whenever we finish making it” they can expect us to wait until March before the next pitch is thrown in anger. Of course I’m being facetious, but this was...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Best Supporting Actor 1981: Jack Nicholson in Reds

Jack Nicholson received his sixth Oscar nomination for portraying Eugene O'Neil in Reds.Reds is not a film I particularly care for because it takes too much of a sentimental and romantic view of its subject matter. In turn I thought many of the performances did exactly the same, but one person who rips right through any sort of sentimental ideas is Jack Nicholson as Eugene...

What's Harry Morgan really like?

Still recovering from last night's World Series game.  As Colonel Potter might say, "It was the oyster's iceskates!"  Speaking of Colonel Potter, here are Friday Questions with the first one being about him.  And you can still tell us which scary movie traumatized you most.  Thanks. Becky is up first.I was wondering what Harry Morgan was like in real life? Becky, you’ll be happy to learn ...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Best Supporting Actor 1981: Howard Rollins in Ragtime

Howard Rollins received his only Oscar nomination for portraying Coalhouse Walker Jr. in Ragtime.Ragtime rather ineptly attempts to string together various stories from the Ragtime period in New York. The story that becomes focused on in the second half of the film is about Coalhouse Walker. Coalhouse first appears in the film as the father of an abandoned child. He comes...

What's your scariest movie?

With Halloween fast approaching, what is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? We all have one. An experience so frightening that it kept you up for weeks, resulted in therapy that is ongoing to this day, and accounts for your aversion to clowns. Could be Freddy or Jason or Chucky or Fran Dreschler – but surely there is one horror movie stalwart that still sends shivers up your spine. Ma...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Best Supporting Actor 1981: James Coco in Only When I Laugh

James Coco received his only Oscar nomination for portraying Jimmy in Only When I Laugh.Only When I Laugh depicts the story of an alcoholic stage actress who has trouble staying sober while dealing with problems with her friends and her daughter. James Coco is the one of only two actors, the other being Amy Irving, to receive both an Oscar nomination and a Razzie nomination...

Best Supporting Actor 1981

And the Nominees Were:Ian Holm in Chariots of FireJames Coco in Only When I Laugh John Gielgud in ArthurHoward Rollins in Ragtime Jack Nicholson in R...

A Scene I'd Like to See

From THE MENTALISTEXT. HOME – DAYNicely appointed, framed in large proud lemon trees. Patrick Jane and Teresa Lisbon pull into the driveway, get out of the car, and approach the house.SUPER: OAKLAWN HILLS, CA.Lisbon knocks on the door. A woman in her 30’s in a waitresses uniform, CAROL, answers:CAROL: Yes?LISBON: Yes, I’m Captain Lisbon, this is Patrick Jane. CAROL: ...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Best Supporting Actor 1962: Results

5. Telly Savalas in Birdman of Alcatraz- This performance is nothing becuase his character is nothing. 4. Victor Buono in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?- Buono gives an effectively humorous performance that is not a whole lot but creates some nice little moments when on screen.3. Ed Begley in Sweet Bird of Youth- Although the Southern Political Boss is an old role, and Begley...

Best Supporting Actor 1962: Terence Stamp in Billy Budd

Terence Stamp received his only Oscar nomination so far for portraying the titular character in Billy Budd.Billy Budd tells of the life aboard a British warship.The character of Billy Budd really is the main character and Terence Stamp's performance is a leading one not a supporting one. This is the standard supporting placement for a first time film performance. This is not...


BARNEY MILLER was a great show. A couple of years ago I wrote about our checkered experience writing for it. Here’s that post. Tom Reeder had much better luck. He stayed and worked on the show for several years. This week Shout! Factory is finally releasing the complete BM series set. In honor of that, reader LouOCNY suggested maybe I could ask Tom to write about his experience. Among ...

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan[3] (née Aishwarya Rai, , Aiśvaryā Rai ?,        born 1 November 1973) is an Indian film actress. She worked as a modelbefore starting her acting career, and ultimately won the Miss World pageantin 1994. Rai has acted in over 40 films in Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, and Bengali.BornAishwarya Rai1 November 1973 (age 38)[1]Mangalore,...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Best Supporting Actor 1962: Ed Begley in Sweet Bird of Youth

Ed Begley won his Oscar from his only nomination for portraying Boss Tom Finley in Sweet Bird of Youth. Sweet Bird of Youth tells of a young man (Paul Newman) Chance who wishes to regain some of his youth with his old girlfriend. Ed Begley portrays a southern political boss apparently a liked Oscar type character since it also brought Broderick Crawford a win for best actor...

Best Supporting Actor 1962: Omar Sharif in Lawrence of Arabia

Omar Sharif received his only Oscar nomination so far for portraying Sherif Ali ibn el Kharish in Lawrence of Arabia.What is so great about Lawrence of Arabia is its entire scope and that it never only settles on the central character study of Lawrence (Peter O'Toole), but it always manages to give an appropriate amount of time to the various supporting players who are well...

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