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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Best Supporting Actor 1977: Maximilian Schell in Julia

Maximilian Schell received his third Oscar nomination for portraying Johann in Julia.

Julia depicts the relationship of playwright Lillian Hellman and her childhood friend Julia who has troubles in Nazi Germany.

Maximilian Schell has an extremely small role that I doubt would have every been nominated if it had not been played by Maximilain Schell. Johann is a man working for an anti-Nazi underground who acts as the liaison for Julia to Lillian. He gives Lillian a letter from Julia, than gives her some information on their organization, and a plan for Lillian to smuggle in money into Germany for the movement.

Johann acts a man to move forward the plot, and that is it. There really is nothing to the man other than what he says. Schell adds nothing more than would or should expect frankly from this sort of role. He says his lines as he should, he is as he should be but there is nothing remarkable about how he does any of it. The role of Johann could have easily been played by any competent character actor.

The simple truth is this character never should have been nominated there simply is not anything special about it. There is not a single memorable aspect, or notable aspect of Johann he just does his part and leaves never to be scene again. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Schell's performacne, but there is not any reason it deserved recognition.


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